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Picture of Francis M. Lunnie

Francis M. Lunnie

1st Lt, Med. Adm. C. P.O.W. in Cabanatuan.

Dec. 8/41

Was awakened by room boy who told me Hawaii had been bombed by Japanese at 2:00 am. I couldn’t believe it for some time-too incredible.

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Dec. 9/41

Several Air Raid alarms early this morning but no planes appeared, At 1:50 pm, 65 bombers flew over city towards naval base at Cavite when

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Since Dec. 9th we have had an average of five air raid alarms each day, although many times we do not see the planes as

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Dec. 22/41

Today was the first time, I believe that bombs were dropped in Manila itself. Port Area was bombed several times. The sound of a falling

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Dec. 25/41

USAFFE has endeavored to declare Manila an open city, but to no avail, apparently. Every [enemy] bombers flew over the city today for over an

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Dec. 28/41

The past two days have been the worst days I have ever spent. For four hours each day, I have lain in a trench praying

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Dec. 31/41

Since Dec. 28th there has been no air raids, as nearly everything has been removed to Bataan. Seven officers, including myself, and 2 soldiers were

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Jan 1/42

Arrived at Corregidor at 6:00 am, slept several hours after a light breakfast and left by boat for Bataan at 11:45 am, in the middle

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Jan 8/42

Work is progressing rapidly in the clearing of underbrush for wards and building desks, benchs, mess halls, etc., out of bamboo, The natives can build

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Jan. 14/42

Pfc. Frank Pigg of my detachment was killed by an unexploded anti-aircraft shell. He got out of his bed justin time to get in the

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Jan. 31/42

We have several enemy woundeé Japanese in hospital. They are treated with enemy kindness and respect, and sincerely appreciate it. Over 2200 patients now in

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Feb. 4/42

Went to Corregidor Feb. 2nd. Air raid alarm kept us circling in the bay for an hour and a half. I do not enjoy traveling

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Feb. 5/42

Wrote a letter to my mother today, and hope it gets through. Had quite a fire near the hospital yesterday. Luckily, we got it under

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Feb. 7/42

One of our planes crashed into hill just outside of hospital boundary at 5:00 am., this morning. Pilot escaped with minor injuries. Had a fox

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Feb. 9/42

Saw five of our planes (P-40’s) having a dog fight with five enemy planes today. The fight began just over the hospital, but gradually moved

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Feb. 17/42

While walking alone ridge back of hospital on Feb. 10th in search of a repated telegraph instrument, I met General Weaver and Staff. Last night

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April 8/42

Things are very bad, our lines are cracking and it will not be long before we fall. I talked with several from the front today

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April 9th 1942

The enemy is busy mopping up, dive bombing roads and gun positions, We understand that Gen. King went through enemy lines with an offer of

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May 7th 1942

Corregidor finally surrendered today. The surrender was supposed to take place yesterday, but due to some misunderstanding, they kept fighting until today. The hospital was

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