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Picture of Louise Fillmore Blancaflor

Louise Fillmore Blancaflor

An American married a Filipino doctor, Cornel Blancaflor.

October 3, 1944

Today we expected a raid, as planes flew overhead, but they headed for some other destination. Food is getting scarce. One can of Quaker Oats

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October 4, 1944

The weather cleared up today and we had a little sunshine for a few hours, but now it seems that it might rain any minute.

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October 5, 1944

The sirens no longer warn us of approaching planes. Everyone must be on the alert and take precaution. We can usually tell by the sound

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October 8, 1944

I have not given you a description of the college, so I shall now do so. The girls school (Colegio de San Jose) was built

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October 9, 1944

Today at 2:00 p.m. we had an air raid warning. Planes flew over us, but did not bomb. Manila, Cebu and Davao are being bombed

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October 10, 1944

Today has been quiet, although the alert signal has not been lifted. This morning I met a priest from Capiz and he confirmed the news

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October 11, 1944

All quiet today. The alert signal is still hoisted. According to the Japanese News bulletin, “American task forces are now in Philippine waters.” It is

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October 12, 1944

The air raid warning was blown at 11:00 a.m. and at 11:15 we saw four planes flying overhead very high. They flew over us and

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October 18, 1944

I have not written for several days as I have been ill in bed with influenza and severe asthma. Coné remained with me at night.

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October 18, 1944

Last night we had more excitement. I had already retired, when Susie said, “I wonder what the commotion is downstairs”, for we could hear men’s

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October 19, 1944

This is a continuation of yesterday. When I heard the heavy drone of planes, Susie, Dolly and I went downstairs to the dining room, which

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October 21, 1944

I did not sleep well last night in spite of the Luminal, and I felt somewhat drowsy this morning, but no chance to sleep. Since

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October 22, 1944

I slept well last night, in fact, I did not awaken until the sun was shining in my room. My cough is subsiding and I

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October 23, 1944

I had a very restful night, and am now improving. John, our cook, is preparing extra food for me as I must gain and “be

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October 24, 1944

No raids today, but we could hear planes flying overhead although they were not visible. According to the Panay Times this morning, 600 American ships

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October 25, 1944

The day was quiet – towards evening several Japanese planes flew over. Jr. is now ill with a cold and fever. It seems to be

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October 26, 1944

This morning at 9:00 a.m. 20 American planes flew over us. We all expected a raid but instead they flew towards Capiz. The rumor is

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October 27, 1944

The last three days have been quiet. American planes have passed overhead and sometimes Japanese planes. But there have been no raids. Dolly has been

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October 30, 1944

(Note: in the book this entry i dated October 20,” but its location between October 27 and October 31 strongly suggests a tyopgraphical error in

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October 31, 1944

Dolly is better this morning. She is able to take a little orange juice and retain it. She is terribly jaundiced, but it is clearing

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November 1, 1944

Well, folks, it is getting hotter! The bullets flew so fast, it was terrible! It began at 3:00 a.m. but we did not pay any

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November 2, 1944

Dolly and Jr. are improving. Last night was quiet and we passed a restful night. We all slept in the shelter downstairs. Coné and Meñing

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November 3, 1944

Last night we spent a peaceful night – no shooting anywhere. Early this morning the Japanese re-occupied the schoolhouse across the street from us. They

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November 4, 1944

Last night at 8:00 p.m. a Japanese plane circled over us three times. It signaled the air field but did not land. At 3:00 a.m.

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November 5, 1944

Last night was quiet, but this morning 36 American planes flew over, and I was very frightened for fear of a raid. We carried Dolly

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November 8, 1944

On November 6, 32 planes circled Iloilo three times, and yesterday 21 planes flew overhead. Today 14 planes visited us and circled four times over

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November 9, 1944

The day has been very stormy with a strong wind blowing from the south. No doubt a typhoon is brewing someplace. No American planes flew

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November 10, 1944

Last night was very stormy, but we all slept well. Dolly and Junior are eating a little more food and feel stronger today. It is

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November 11, 1944

We did not see any American planes today. Towards sunset, six Japanese planes flew over. They usually attack the American ships and planes at night.

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