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Friday, Dec. 9th, 1898

Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.

In spite of a storm breeze the heat was uncomfortable.

Cooked breakfast & supper as usual & lunched on cold food. Remained at home during the forenoon & straightened out some Spanish MSS. Picked up by me on the beach at Fort Caracao on Point Sangley near Cavite. The were part of the archives of the Cavite Navy yard.

Helped some beggars.

Visitors 14.

Bro. D. G. Hines of Co. E. 1st Montana Vol. Inf. came this a.m. to render an account of the financial outcome last night’s gramophone exhibition in the dining room of 1st Bat. 1st Montana Vol. Inf. The case stands as follows:

Hines rec’d cash for tickets to amount of    1.25 U.S. coin

Sold on credit               “                 “             “     11.50 “     “

Lloyd sold on credit – tickets –   9   – –       $ 2. 25

Berry   “     “       “             “           14     – –           3. 50

Berry & Annie took cash at door to am’t of       .50

Lloyd                   “       “             “             “                 .25

Total credit – –             U. S. Coin           – –       $ 17.75

“         cash   – –       –     “       “                – –           2.00

Total   –           –           -$19.75


Hines, Berry & Lloyd are security for the tickets sold on credit.

After dinner I called at the Palace in Old Manila. Mr. Mc Cullough did not have the Soldiers Passes done – not even started. Asked me to call late tomorrow p.m.

Dropped in at the post office & rec’d an arm full of War Crys & other newspaper mail particularly 122 copies No. 570 War Cry of Oct. 29th.

After supper started holiness meeting 7.20p.m. in the front room of No. 2 Present 12 U.S. soldiers. God blessed our effort, praise His name. Private Wm English of Battery H. 3d U.S. Artillery professed conversion. This makes his second effort on that line. May God make him stick.

Of War Crys Hines took 30 copies of No. 569 to sell.

After meeting for force distribution I gave to

Clayton Scott for Astor Battery, 15 copies No. 570 – Oct. 29th

Berry for 1st Bat. 1st Montana Inf. 35 “     No. 569 –   “ 22d

Waterman, for 1st Bat. 1st South Dakota Vol. Inf.

3 copies No. 565, Sept. 24th ’98.

30     “       “   569 Oct. 22d & 10 copies No. 570 Oct. 29th.