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Friday, June 9th 1899

Malolos, Luzon Island – Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo Dist., Manila

Cloudy all day with a little sunshine now and then but no rain. Quite warm.

As I sit down to pen these lines tonight I feel weary & my underwear is wet with sweat. Have been absent from home all day.

Up before 6 o’clock a.m. Read a chapter in Deuteronomy and prayed then cooked breakfast of ham, coffee & mush. Away to the train down on Pasig quay. The Oregon train guards have been replaced by regulars. Preparations are making for the departure of the volunteers for America.

On my way to the train in San Nicolas District, a seafaring man stopped me. He hails from the U.S. Gov’t Hospital ship “Relief”. Gave a good account of Brother Frank Carson, the fireman who professed to find Jesus in Bilibid prison in my meeting Sunday April 2’99. Said the man in effect. “He is all right. He preaches all the time on the ship & tells me I am a fool for getting drunk.” “Well don’t you think so too after a drunk?” Yes. “What the Lord Jesus did for him He can do for you”. “If I thought He could save me for drink I would go to Him immediately”. “Well He can”. Gave him my address & invited him to call tomorrow. Such in effect was the conversation.

In the car, my section with its 7 soldiers the Lord enabled me to bring His interests to their attention – troops from the 3dHeavy artillery, 13th Minnesota & 1st Montana Vols.

Arrived in Malolos about 11.30 a.m. & walked the half mile to the main plaza. Private Frank Annie espied me as I crossed the concrete bridge leading to the plaza and came over to welcome me. Accompanied Annie to the building corner of the plaza of 2street, lately occupied by General Mac Arthur for Headquarters, within a stone’s throw of the ruined R. C. church formerly Aguinaldo’s palace. Part of H. Battery is quartered in this house. Dinner was about ready. After eating, Annie brought me a tin cup of black coffee, roast beef, gravy & bread, which I ate with avidity as fresh beef is a rare luxury to me these days. Following dinner Brothers Rensberger, Oden and Nevin also greeted me. The last 3 are church members. Inquired about the state of their souls. All professed to be saved. I knelt there with a number of the artillery men looking on. Asked each of the Christian to pray. Annie & I did so. Rensberger excused himself & Oden & Nevin slipped away.

Annie has been out patroling the forenoon but secured leave to accompany me. Shouldered his Kragg-jorgensen rifle & buckled on his belt of cartridges then we started out. I took snap shots of Aguinaldo’s “palace” ruins, & the two buried Filipino cannon in their graves, also a street view. Annie told me (we were up on the Paombong road also) that he set fire to 40 houses & huts on the left of the road & burnt them to the ground. Capt. O’ Hara of H. Battery ordered him to burn them & cautioned him: “Be careful Annie that you don’t let a sharp shooter in on of the houses get you.” The idea of burning houses was to give the enemy no shelter, from which he could shoot Americans.

Annie & I while out dropped in to see K battery boys (3Req’t Heavy Art’y) in one of their quarters. Met Brother Harris & Hiffelstine. I spoke to several men about salvation matters. When about to depart we knelt on the barrack floor & each man (Harris, Hiffelstine, Annie & myself) prayed. Then we said good-bye.

Annie & I started out. Rensberger joined us on the street. Together we visited the large R. C. church on the road leading to the depot, in which the Congress of the “Filipino Republic” met & discussed weight questions of state. The large auditorium of the church is now occupied by the bunks of new congressmen: all members of I battery, 3Heavy Artillery.

At the depot Bro. Hummer bought me a pineapple. I purchased 3 fine mangoes for 10 cts Mex. which is much cheaper than at Manila, when they cost 10 cts apiece.

Bro. Annie presented me with 4 books.

Bro. Heffelstine accompanied me to Manila & drew $75. U.S. coin from the $2.50 deposited by him with me.

Cooked supper & am now tired & hot & must be off to bed.