According to a report of the Tokyo German Embassy, a Japanese attack may be expected within the hour. The report is denied during the day. The infantry works are manned during the day by regulars. The crew of the S.M.S. Otter arrives from Nanking. The 1st Company of the East-Asiatic Marine Detachment and the 2nd Troop of the Marine Field Battery secure the Bay of Shatsi-kou. The 2nd and 3rd Companies of the East-Asiatic Marine Detachment are manning Li-tsun and Tshai-ko.
We arrive in Hongkong from Manila, and are received with great honor, consisting in our being brought ashore by government boat, namely the police boat, and receive free lodging from H. M. Government. The establishment is called Detention Barracks, and is a sort of jail where we are also examined. The guard consists of Indian soldiers and the watchman is an Englishman. He tells us whet bad fellows the Indians are, and gives us the advice not under any circumstances to speak to them, as they might bayonet us and he would be powerless to help. The gentleman is afraid that we might influence these people somehow. Our supper consists of corned beef and bread, but we do not receive this until midnight.
I am fast asleep in my cell by that time and so can not join the rest. The cells are furnished with bags of straw, but they are not locked, which gives us a chance to stretch our legs in and around the building and in the yard.