At office. Quezon’s bureau filled with candidates for the Court of Appeals. Visit from Judge Jaronilla who explained his own position: he had been Attorney General when he gave a decision that the “Board of Control” was unconstitutional –which opinion was sustained by the Philippine Supreme Court and by the United States Supreme Court. He was afterwards nominated for the Philippine Supreme Court on Wood’s recommendation. Nomination was sent to the United States Senate and not acted upon (Jaronilla says due to Quezon) –since then he has been uniformly loyal to Quezon– voted for him this year. Says he has been “punished” enough, and now should go on the Court of Appeals instead of being passed over in favour Judges whom he himself as Attorney General had promoted to the bench. Was trying to see Quezon. I told him how very strongly Quezon felt on the issue of the board of Control, and told him there was little hope. Tried to get Garfinkel to push him in to Quezon.
At night, reception at Casino Español for Quezon. He looked very smart in full dress with a Spanish decoration. He said he had put out a statement in the press assuring Americans that in general they were not to lose their positions in the new government; repeated how the Bulletin editorial in behalf of retaining American Supreme Court Justices had induced him to accept their resignations at once. Complimented Colin Hoskins on his paper on the organization of National Economic planning and said “We can use him” (Hoskins). Said he had been sick all the afternoon but was very cordial and pleasant.