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February 3, 1942

The Legaspi arrived today, thank goodness, and her cargo was even better than we had any reason to expect. She had 17,000 sacks of rice (cavanes, they are called here) which average about 125 pounds per sack. That is enough rice for six or eight weeks. She also brought in a few odds and ends of other items, principally for President Quezon, Gen. MacArthur, Mr. Sayre, and Col. Roxas who engineered the trip, and whose home is in that province.15 His mother sent him 1,000 eggs, and I believe he negotiated a few cases of something else on his own initiative. Another windfall today was in the form of a sub which came in at 9:30 p.m. It brought 3,720 rounds of the latest type anti-aircraft shell with mechanical fuse. We may give the Japs a surprise when they come over again as this type shell has a greater range, and if the Japs come in at their usual altitude they can be reached. We had to turn out all possible trucks and a big crew of men tonight to unload the two ships. If we get a few more shipments such as these today we will be well fixed for quite a while. No unusual activity at the front today. There is still a small group of Japs at Quinauan Point and they seem to be very tenacious. They are being gradually cut down however. Jap aviators drop them bags of rice and cigarettes by parachutes, some of which fall in our lines.