Japanese civilians entered a friend’s house, started playing the piano and asked him to introduce them to his daughters. Such abuses must be stopped. If the Japanese do not respect our homes, what will they respect?
Lt. Kubo was in the office from 6:45 until 8:30 p.m. investigating all our data on cassava, camote and corn.
Mr. Noya requests statistical figure on the average prices of different commodities according to percentage. Statistics on the following are being asked: (a) foodstuffs, (b) textiles, (c) rent, (d) metals.
Worked till eight o’clock. Am very tired. Indicated to Mr. Noya my desire to resign. But was refused. Resignation will be taken as a hostile act.
My daughter is playing the piano. When one is weary, music is very soothing. It is a refuge from the ticking of typewriters, the ringing of telephone bells, the hustle and bustle of clerks and stenographers, visitors and men complaining about their rice rations and computations of possible rice procurements, and the thousand and one things that occur day in and day out in the office.
She has stopped playing the piano. She is talking to her sister and they are laughing. Their laughter is also music to my ears.
Daughters in a home are like flowers in a garden.