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Wed., Apr. 29, 1942

To the river for a cold bath and a hair wash. Sitting on rock, in red bathing suit, drying hair, when Jap plane flew low overhead. Rushing water had prevented my hearing it sooner. Ducked into water, then laughed at my own action.

Returned to house to have old Filipino woman, wife of one of carpenters, rush toward me explaining in her limited English, “Your husband come! See!” My heart jumped. A man in khaki shorts and shirt, wearing a tropical helmet, knapsack on back, water Jug at side, coming down our hidden trail. There were carriers behind him bringing wooden cases, suitcases, bedroll. and bundles of all sizes. He was tall and slim like Jim but I knew at a second glance that it was not he.

It was Mr. Brown, whose wife was my next-door neighbor. The Filipino woman had heard a name which she confused with Vaughan. The momentary shock completely unnerved me.

There is no news at all of conditions of thousands of American prisoners from Bataan, but since it is known that there is insufficient food for the Japanese soldiers, conditions of their prisoners must be horrible. I cannot let my mind dwell on this.

Mr. Brown brought war news of lull on all fronts except Russian, where the Russians continue to advance. Corregidor still subjected to heavy raids and still holds out. Saravia airport, in sight of Hawaiian-Philippine Central and built partially by Central labor, was bombed three times today by a group of twelve Jap planes. Near enough to shake Central buildings.