The days have been warm for the last 15 days, when this month should be cool and fresh as in previous years.
What a terrible time the people of Pangasinan must be having now! Poor people! they have been overcome twice already. First by the Japs, now by the U.S. forces. They are in the path of the typhoon so to speak.
I made a walk to the beach this morning, a very nice walk, indeed.
The Japs have not struck back yet. Are they reserving their punches for a final showdown, when the allied forces are near Manila? It might be too late.
The Japs, as things look, are sandwiched already. I feel quite sure that landings will be made in Batangas and Atimonan.
Within this month a decisive battle will be fought on the plain of Luzon.
The grim decision and determination of America to redeem the Philippines at any cost definitely settles the question as to the form and system of government that we should have here—no other than democracy.
I expect a message to come either today or tomorrow on our trip to Leyte or somewhere.