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Picture of Louise Fillmore Blancaflor

Louise Fillmore Blancaflor

An American married a Filipino doctor, Cornel Blancaflor.

November 12, 1944

We have spent quiet nights since the first of November, but the rumor is that the guerrillas (USAFFE) may come in any time. We all

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November 13, 1944

Today was quiet with the exception of four Japanese planes flying over us. Coné and Meñing are reinforcing the downstairs area with heavy planks and

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November 14, 1944

This morning at 6:00 a.m. we heard shooting at a distance and since it seemed to be getting closer, we arose and got dressed. The

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November 15, 1944

For the last two nights and days there has been fighting outside of Jaro – about 7 km away from us. The Japanese soldiers are

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November 16, 1944

We were awakened this morning by the sound of gunfire a few kilometers from us. We ate our breakfast at 8:00 a.m. consisting of rice

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November 17, 1944

Last night while we were eating supper at 6:00 p.m., a volley of bullets started flying. We all jumped up from the table and ran

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November 18, 1944

Last night was quiet, and also today, although we heard shooting in the distance. John went to the market this morning and bought 2 kilos

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November 19, 1944

Last night about 6:30 after supper, I was looking out the bedroom window when a shot rang out and it seemed so close that it

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November 20, 1944

Last evening was so beautiful – the sun was just setting and we had finished our supper, so we all went downstairs and sat outside.

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November 21, 1944

It has been stormy with heavy rains for the last two days. In spite of the downpour the Japanese and USAFFE are fighting it out

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November 22, 1944

This morning when I looked out all I could see was water and the houses looked like boats on a lake! The water began to

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November 23, 1944

The night was quiet and there was a half moon. After breakfast we all worked at cleaning the floor downstairs which was covered with mud.

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November 24, 1944

Many planes flew over today. At 11:00 a.m. a heavy drone was heard and on looking out we saw 50 American planes flying towards Negros.

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November 25, 1944

For the last three nights we have heard airplanes. The moon is very bright and they are flying in the moonlight. Jr. has been ill

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November 27, 1944

Last night we could hear the sound of machine guns and trench mortars in the distance. Once when we had three Japanese visitors, one of

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November 28, 1944

Yesterday afternoon about 4:00 p.m. we heard the church bells ring loudly, and that means an air raid! Strange – we did not hear any

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November 29, 1944

Last night was quiet, but my thoughts and prayers were for that poor unfortunate, who is still in the ditch. This morning Coné talked with

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December 1, 1944

The nights are beautiful with a full moon, but what a pity there is so much bloodshed in this world! We spent a quiet night

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December 3, 1944

Yesterday and today have been very quiet – no planes or shooting. The weather has been stormy and we were a little worried for fear

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December 4, 1944

The day has been quiet and our routine is the same from day to day. No one goes visiting nowadays, and our only visitors are

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December 5, 1944

Last night we heard cannon fire somewhere out in the distance. This morning we heard two shots (the Japanese signal for fire). Then we heard

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December 6, 1944

Early this morning at 2:00 a.m. I was awakened by the sound of airplanes – they flew over us and a short while later I

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December 7, 1944

Last night was quiet and we all slept well. Our “fortification” is finished and we feel safer. I sent John to Iloilo to buy Lipton’s

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December 8, 1944

Today is the third anniversary of the war. Last night I was awakened by the sound of an explosion somewhere in the distance. At noon

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December 9, 1944

The weather has been stormy since last night, and we feared there would be another flood as the rain fell so heavily. My angora kitten,

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December 10, 1944

Last night was quiet. The only sound I heard was the tail of the cow hitting the side walls of her shelter. No planes this

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December 11, 1944

All quiet on the Eastern front last night, but at noon we saw three formations of American planes headed towards the airfield. A short while

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December 12, 1944

I did not sleep well last night thinking of what happened yesterday. The day has been quiet and we did not see any planes. Coné

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