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Sunday, November 27th, 1898

Cavite, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.

Weather comparatively cool – Heavy clouds but no rain to amount to anything.

Up early. Prayed, read bible cooked breakfast, washed dishes. Then hastened down to the ferry – Private Scott with me. He paid the fares to Cavite & back. Arriving there a large steam launch, the “Iona”, came specially to take us out to the monitor “Monterey”. In a short time we were set on the deck of the great war vessel. Capt.        Leutze received no personally; also Lieut. Hughes, officer of the deck. Were very courteous; had the crew to set the seats on the starboard side of the turret containing the two inch rifles – aft. The 2 forward rifles are 12 inch. Had an audience of 30 Officer of the deck brought out silver pitcher of ice water & 2 glasses. After service, a man was detailed to show us about the monitor. Examined the rear turret. Mr. Ed Collins, blacksmith (unsaved, but friendly) was specially kind. Down below found Bert Howlin, who professed to be a Salvationist. He was in double irons – leg shackled, ditto hands. Struck a petty officer. We & he kneeled down & prayed.

We took dinner with the sailors. At one o’clock the “Iona” put us ashore in the arsenal.

Looked for the black hole where Spaniards formerly drowned men. Was said to have been thro’ the floor of the round – top sentry box – brick – right hand corner of fort on the point looking Manilaward below the arsenal. Is bricked up & a Filipino family resides there. The whole fort is filled with them.

On way over to Cavite urged salvation on attention of an engineer.

Returned to Manila on the 2 p.m. opposition ferry boat. Scott paid fares.

Found Dansare, sailor of the U.S.S. “Charleston” waiting for my return. Bought 20 Trestle Glen, Camp Mt’g Song Book to him at 10 cts each. Mex. He joined the Tenth League. Sent by him ot the Charleston for distribution 20 Crys: S.F. – 5, 568; 5, 567; 5, 565; 5, 563.

Sent 11 assorted Crys, same kind to the 2d Oregon Vols.

On the “Monterey” we distributed 5 copies each of the above numbers.

To Private G. Oden of H. Battery, 3d Artillery, I gave for force distribution War Crys (S.F.) 1, 563; 10, 565, 4, 567; 4, 568.

After my return from Cavite cooked supper. Privates Hines and Scott took supper with me.

Visitors, 25 today at No. 2.

About 7 o’clock p.m. soldiers came in from various regiments & batteries, numbering 23, which was the largest audience we have had up to date at this place. Brother Schurmerhorn, a new recruit who just came from the U.S. to join the 2d Oregon Vol. Inf. last Thursday, brought some other 2d Oregon men. Sergeant Coltner could have (or ought) to have done so long ago) but he always had an excuse not to come & was conspicuous by his absence again. Salvationists of this character generally finish up by backsliding.

Some of the boys are beginning to talk of wanting to become bona fide Salvationists.

Rumors are going the rounds that several commands are marked for Iloilo in the islands of Panay. I have a desire to accompany the first crowd down to remain a short time.

God is my portion; He is very good to me.