Esta mañana me fui a la Facultad de San Carlos y me dijeron que no tendríamos clase hasta el 7; en Griego la hubo desde ayer. Fui alá Academia de San Fernando y allí me dieron nuevas lecciones. Esta mañana nos reunimos en el café dé Madrid por una tarjeta que me pasó Graciano; se habló del Círculo, ·de las pretensiones de algunos, etc. Lo del libro, Graciano escribiría sobre la mujer filipina; Aguirre ídem; Maximino sobre Letamendi. · Parece que el Círculo no· irá bien.
This morning I went to the College of San Carlos and they told me that we would have no class until the 7th. In Greek there was since yesterday. I went to the Academy of San Fernando and there they gave me new lessons. This morning we gathered at the Cafe de Madrid, announced on a card that Graciano passed on to me. They spoke about the Circulo, the pretensions of some, etc. As to the book, Graciano would write on the Filipino woman; Aguirre also; Maximino on Letamendi. It seems that the Circulo will not fare well.