The 1st Q-Boat Squadron under Capt. Navarrete started its tactical training exercises for the first time as a unit with the newly assigned permanent Os and crew. Tactical formations using new doctrines and signals are being tried.
Very good news today! Initial reinforcements from USA that left San Francisco Aug. 27 arrived today consisting of 200th CAC Regmt. under Col. Charles W. Sage with 76 Os; 1,681 EM; 12 3″ and 24-37 mm. guns; 26-50 .cal machine guns; and 60″ searchlights.
Reinforcements that also arrived today is the Tank Group under Col. James R. Weaver comprising of:
f 192nd Tank Bn with 36 Os, 588 EM and 54 M-3 Tanks;
f 194th Tank Bn with 31 Os, 510 EM and 54 M-3 Tanks
f 17th Ordnance Co with 5 Os 150 EM
Manila News front page mention about Iran’s Reza Shah Pahlevi abdicating in favor of son Mohammad as Allied troops enter Teheran. Berlin announced that two American pilots downed flying for RAF are held by them. Nazi also cut off Crimean Peninsula from USSR.