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June 8, 1944 (Thursday)

Feast of Corpus Christi. Mass, confession and communion at St. Sofia’s.

Imperial University (Teikoku Daigaku). After class this p.m. went with Cruz to visit the Imperial University at Hongō. Entering the main portal of this huge university, I was at once impressed by its dignified appearance. We walked along a driveway lined with ichō trees (maidenhair tree), beautifully green in summer, leading to the main buildings on the campus, the main one at the center built in
typical university fashion, with tower and big clock. We walked around the campus and for a short while enjoyed a truly university atmosphere.

Books. Outside the university premises, we went shopping in the long line of book stores fronting the university. Bought the following:

Japan in Advance ……. Y6.00 (2 vols.)
Drama in the Pacific ……. 3,00
When Japan Fights. ……  2.00
Japan’s Goal of Expansion ….. 250