Received letter from Mary of Feb 1943 and one from Henriette [Vogalso] Was the second letter I have had from Mary and it is so wonderful to hear from her I dream of her quiet often. Would like to more if I could control my dreams. I woun t harp on food anymore, but it is a little and do have such a hell of a time getting by on it. Makes every gripy and hard to get along with. The Davao group is with us now. Got to see lots of my friends . Afewdid and did’nt return. They had a good deed the first few months but after a few co escapes they were restricted heavily and chow cut intwo and etc. They worked hard but were in beautiful spot. (Dapecol) 52Kilometers from Davao City. All officers are going to get together this afternoon. About 18 – 20 came in out of the 200th .
I can’t even think towrite any more, so will delay this for the present . Japs using sticks up. Lots of of new but I pay no attention to it anymore. If its falocios then I am not disappointed. If true I will be more happy.