Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Busy day. Cloudy & cold; no rain.
Visitors 6.
Sent Comrade Hines to U.S. Commissary to buy me supplies. Purchased 2 bottles lime juice & 1 side breakfast bacon.
Paid my rent for No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, to the son of Señora Ysabel Wood, month of November $35, Mexican silver.
Read copies No. edition P.C. War Cry
Read copies No. edition P.C. War Cry
A letter came from Ensign Tom J. McGill, Dawson City in the Klondike country, forwarded from San Francisco wants S.F. Cry for their reading room.
A long letter arrived from Lt – Col. Wm Evans, says took long time to arrange some system with New York re financing my expedition. This P.C. Divisional finances are suffering; must draw on New York for several thousand dollar to assist the Fort Romie Colony, but thinks & ought to be assisted.
I bought $1 (Mex.) worth of Filipino postage stamps out of my pocket for him. Wrote & mailed 1st weekly report to Lieutenant Col. Alice Lewis.