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Tuesday, November 29th, 1898

[There was] long discussion over preparing [the] draft for [a] complete treaty to be presented now at [the] next meeting. Moore furnished [a] synopsis of [the] contents of the various articles which he proposed. [The] chief points to be considered were what should be paid for Kusaie; how much time should be taken for payment of $20,000,000 [for the Philippines]; whether Spaniards should be required to take their own prisoners back from the Philippines, or whether we should be at once magnanimous and send them back ourselves; whether there was any possibility of extending the “open door” idea to Puerto Rico as well as to the Philippines; and points over which the lawyers on the Commission disputed a great deal as to the precise way in which the consideration for the payment of $20,000,000 should be expressed; and the way in which the danger of having to confer citizenship upon Asiatics might be avoided. …

A great deal of congratulations [at dinner this evening] over the results of the negotiations, and apparently a general feeling of exultation that the United States made good her claim to what she clearly had a right to. They all seemed to think the work practically done, although the Commission would be glad to think the remaining details easy. Immense desire on all hands, however, to get away early. Senator Frye declares we must sail by the 10th. Judge Day [is] extremely anxious to get in a little trip over the Riviera and sail from Genoa by the German boat. Senator Davis [is] unwilling to sail in any case before the 17th.