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Friday Nov. 10, 1899

Today we heard heavy fireing off to the east in the direction of the 1st Battalion. The fireing lasted for a long time. At about 4.30 P.M. an ambulance passed us on It way into Mabalacat, it carried three wounded men from the First Battalion and one wounded insurrecto. We have just learned that two Co’s of the 1st Battalion were sent out to dislodge a party of the enemy in their fronts The two companies met a much larger force of the enemy than they expected and had a very stiff fight. Three of our men were wounded and when the Insurgent position was taken
our troops found 29 dead of the enemy. The two companies captured 9 rifles and three prisoners and drove the enemy from his position with heavy loss.

The other day one of our men comeing along with the wagon train, said he saw four dead niggers by the road but, he sald, “they were spoilt.”

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