Yesterday was called to officers’ quarters. Found a number of non-coms there. Was asked by Lieut. Ferguson if I had ever done any work with the Cavalry sketching board. Said yes and blessed the impulse that had, at Camp Wetherell, prompted me to devote some time to its use. As I was the only private on the detail that knowledge may lead to promotion. Sergeants very gracious afterwards. Though I do not mention it specifically, it must be understood that it rains every day and night, sometimes continuously. Apparently nails are or were very scarce and labor very cheap, for all the furniture is mortised and dovetailed together. There is a native mill in our room which I judge was used for grinding rice or corn which must have taken years to make. About eighteen inches diameter, twelve inches high. All of [the four drawings that originally appeared here are no longer extant] solid stone except pivot A which is metal and handle B which is wood and which goes clear through. I imagine it is of native manufacture. The beds we have looted are all the same, built of bamboo, no iron whatever entering into their construction.
[The three drawings that originally appeared here are no longer extant. Their captions follow.]
P Side elevation. Top view
But I do not think I have given much idea of it.