Corregidor Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Up early; cooked hasty breakfast. Then away for the Pasig quay down in Barrio San Nicholas. Several comrades met me there; Privates Hines, Berry & Lloyd of the 1st Montana & Private G. Scott of the 1st North Dakota. The latter paid his own & my ferry fare to Corregidor & return $1 Mex to each.
I brought with me my camera, a bundle of S.A. song book and a good supply of food. A run of 25 miles brought us to the sleepy little village of Corregidor. The 1st Colorado brass band played selections on the way across the bay. Quite a large crowd went over. The brass band spoiled our prospects for a service in the hospital & Chaplain Hunter of the 10th Pennsylvania Inf. held a service with the 2 companies of his reg’t stationed here. So we were disappointed also in that quarter. I spoke personally to several men re salvation including Brothers Stockton & Sneiderman of the 1st Colorado Vol. Inf. Stockton claims to be saved and Sneiderman is backslidder. Gave them such advice as the dear Lord directed.
Our party crossed the narrow part of the island to the cemetery – Catholic – Near by under a boat shed 2 American sentries were doing outpost duty. Sat down in the shade and lunched; shared our food with the sentries & a can nearly full of salmon gave to a Filipino family.
Visited the monument of Corregidor. It is leaning badly. His tomb is broken open & soldiers are taking his bones away for relics. Also visited the camp of the Pennsylvanians.
At 3.p.m. went on board the steamer “Manila” No. 2 again in a small boat, but before going out I called at the residence & office of Major Owens the surgeon in charge of the convalescents hospital. Had company. Came out to see me in the entrance. Was rabid. Said if he had his say, I should not land on the island. Emphatically no, said he when I asked permission to hold meetings in the town, visit the sick in the hospital etc. Would grant permission to do nothing whatever for the sick under him, nor any minister of other denomination without exception, unless specially requested by a patient to send for some particular individual. Major Owens impressed me as an aggressive infidel.
Our party landed in Manila shortly past 6.p.m.
On the boat I arranged with “General” Tarnsley for a trip to Mariveles tomorrow. God willing.
Went into meeting without supper, a couple of bananas & sip of water had to suffice me. My companions likewise took part (those who accompanied me) supplies – 8 comrades present. New year live of testimonies.
Amie & other comrades brought word tonight that the United States will formally take possession of the Philippines tomorrow at noon & call on all armed bodies other than American troops to lay down their arms.
War Crys (S.F.) sent out. Detached Squad per Scott. 4. No. 572, 6, 573 & 5 No. 574, 1st Mon. 2d & 3d battalions, 15 No. 572; 15, 573; 15, No. 574 per Hines; 1st bat Co., 26, No. 574 and 19 No. 573 per Berry; 1st South Dakota 3d battalion per Georgeson, 15 No. 573, 15 No. 574. Also 5 copies miscel. to Annie & Lloyd.
Visitors today 9.