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Saturday, December 20, 1941

Up this morning, after still another miserable night. My amah is making a house dress which we bought here. It will be our Christmas gift to Ada. She says that she is in need of house dresses. She had let her supply run low as she and Oscar expected to go on home leave in January. Bob is scrubbing out the refrigerator and if Carl does bring the turkeys this afternoon, we will have refrigerator space for them. Do so hope that the two husbands come up as they did last Saturday. By afternoon my head should be a very great deal better. No news, except that Hong Kong is desperate. Landings there have been made by the Japs. And more troops have landed on our Island of Mindanao, a southern port named Davao. Davao is a rich hemp growing section and for years there have been many Japs there. But our forces are there, and I hope holding them in check. There is no fresh news from there as the landing was preceded by bombing that put the radio station out of work, and so the news docs not come through. But I have confidence in our Army and Navy, and hope that they will make quick work of it as they did in Lingayen.

After lunch we all had baths, and a short siesta, so that we would be fresh when our daddies arrived, We had just finished dressing when we heard their horn at the gate, and there they were –same car and chauffeur — loaded with provisions, and special things for the Christmas dinner.