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July 13, 1944 (Thursday)

At Baron Masuda’s Place. Tonight I visited Maning Laurel who is boarding at Baron Masuda’s home at Kojimachi. He just left the hospital this morning after an appendectomy operation. We had a nice time chatting with Baron and Baroness Masuda, who were so kind and hospitable. We also enjoyed listening to both of them alternating at the piano.

Baron Masuda is a naval captain, and he just arrived from the P.I. and he says he likes the Pinoys very much. He is like a regular Pinoy himself; speaks very good English and plays modern pieces at the piano. He is returning to the Philippines shortly, and I hope to meet him there again.

(Tried judo this afternoon, but my leg is still bad. Unfortunately, I will not be able to take the exams on judo this Saturday.)