Slept on cyl. room last night. Followed Luzon coast about 30 mi. W. Slept oh, so restfully. The 1st real sleep for a long time, as I nearly always think too much. Awake at 8 bells (4 a.m.) and saw the tropical sun rise from behind the great hills. Now closer. The most splendid sunrise I ever saw. Sky looked like a tinted shell.
China Sea is the most treacherous piece of H²O in the world –except vicinity of Cape Horn. But today she is smooth & lovely. Trip is nearly at an end. At 2 p.m. raised smoke of steamer S.W., perhaps a transport or an escort. Are now within three miles of a wave beaten shore, broken coast line. In other places the trees come clear to shore. Patches of green show bananas in lowland. Inspection in heavy marching order. Smoke of volcano inland perhaps 3 mil. goes to an immense height –black– many small islands –saw thatched huts on one, thru glass. Passed to right of a small red steamship, but did not speak to her. Perhaps a coaster. Made 289.3.