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Friday, Feb. 3rd, 1899

Manila, Luzon Island — Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo

Breakfast time Sergeant Fisher of the U.S. Engineering corps called at No. 2. Calle Santa Elena to see Rev. Owens. He & 4 privates had just arrived from Malolos. These 5 American soldiers while engaged completing a survey of Manila inside our lines were captured by Aguinaldo’s troops. An armed body of insurrectos crossed the American line and getting behind Fisher & his men made the latter march before them into the Filipino camp. The Americans were without arms. They were made a show in the Filipino army. Were taken thro’ the Igorote reinforcements. A body of savages from the interior of Luzon armed with spears, bows & arrows, & shields. Fisher & his men were held prisoners until an American officer was sent over to Malolos to demand their release. On demand they were put on the train and returned this morning. Fisher called at our place with a message from ex. Rev. David Brown who roomed in No. 2 a short time since. This gentleman while under the influence of strong drink wandered into the Filipino camp & was made a prisoner & is one now. He wants liberty. Sergeant Fisher told me the foregoing story re the capture of himself and comrades.

Private C.H. Goetz of K Co., 14th U.S. Inf. called & paid me $2. Mex. for the package I left for him yesterday at the regimental quarters, viz., 22 pamphlets, assorted, of Spurgeon’s sermons, Spanish; 2 “El
Evangelista’s” bound in paper covers; 10 copies St. Mark & 10 copies St. Luke. The price was nominal. I made Goetz a present of 15 copies of “El Evangelista”, No. 180, Dec. ’98, additional to the first lot. We had a long talk re affairs of the Savior’s Kingdom & prayed before separating.

Private Devine (Landon) of the 3rd artillery, K. battery, requested 30 copies of the Tagalog gospels — 15 of each kind to sell. Supplied him. Says the artillerymen will be shut in their quarters again after tomorrow. The troops are held like prisoners. Wrote & copied 2 letters: Nathan W. More, Sta. Rosa, here, and to Ensign W. J. Dart, 1419 Market St., San Francisco.

Mr. Randall said he will rent one room of me in No. 2. Is a colportens for British & American Bible Societies.

I feel tired and sleepy today but not sick.

The Holy Ghost manifested His presence in my soul last night and gave me a baptism of God’s love: praise & glory be to my precious Creator. May eternal dominion be to my God for He is worthy to reign in every heart. Private Devine returned just before dark & turned over to me $2.70 Mexican having sold to the Filipinos 27 Tagalog gospels — Mark & Luke & gave one copy away. He came back rejoicing. We are trying to get these scriptures circulated without unnecessary loss of time. We who have these & the Spanish & putting them out. I am the only person in the Philippines who can supply the latter, or I should say, the Tagalog scriptures — new translation now being made.

Vistors 5.

Cooked breakfast & supper of cocoa, oatmeal mush and fried bacon. Made dinner of bread guayara jelly & lemonade.

My usual Friday night holiness meeting was small. The comrades had to get into their barracks by 8 p.m. Present myself — leading — Rev. & Mrs. Owens, & Privates Devine, Amie and Oden. Each read verses from the 2 chapter of 1st Peter & prayed. The privates all belong to the 3rd artillery in the Cuartel de Meisig.

Tonight’s evening “Times” says that yesterday Aguinaldo & his generals had a council. The generals advised him to declare war against the United States. Refused stating that he promised the foreign consuls in Manila to give them 24 hours warning previous to declaring war.