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January 7, 1932, Thursday

Faust arrived early in the a.m. and we spent the day together.

Took Gloria home in the afternoon and then rushed to dress for dinner with Sec. and Mrs. Hurley.[1] Besides the entire Mission, the others were Sen. Bingham,[2] Rep. Hare[3] and wife, Rep. Rogers[4], Owens and Kahn Kean? (last three being members from Mass, Florida and ?). & Mrs. Hull (who was my lady)

Had quite a chat with Sec. Hurley.


Sen. Hawes[5] presented his bill in the Senate today.

[1] Secretary  Patrick Hurley ( Jan 8, 1883- July 30, 1963) was US Secretary of War 1929-1933. He was a lawyer, and a member of the Republican Party.

[2] Hiram Bingham (Nov 19, 1875-June 6, 1956) an academic, explorer and politician, served as Republican US Senator from 1924-1933. He is known also for having discovered the ancient city of Machu Picchu in 1911.

[3] Butler Black Hare – (Sept 4, 1918-July 16, 1966)  Democrat, Representative of South Carolina from 1925-1933, and was chairman of the Committee on Insular Affaird  during the 72nd Congress (1932)

[4] Edith Nourse Rogers (1881-1960) Republican Representative for Massachusetts, serving for 35 years, from 1925-1961. From 1933-35 she was  on the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee.

[5] Harry B. Hawes (Nov. 15, 18690July 31, 1947) Democratic member of US House and Senate for Missouri.  He was the co- sponsor of the Hare-Hawes Cutting Act. Following his retirement from the senate in Feb 3, 1933 he resumed his private practice of law, and served as legal counsel  for the Philippine Commonwealth