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Friday and Saturday, December 26 and 27, 1941

Unpacking at Silay. One day without radio tantalizing but quickly installed by Central electrician—all at no cost. Salaries at Central for servants amazingly low: lavendera $5.00 per month, no chow; amah $5.00 per month, no chow; Sejio, who stuck with me and came here, $6.00 per month with chow; cook $15.00 per month with chow, but am letting him go. (Chow = $.10 each per day plus rice, fuel, laundry, soap, water, lights.) Servants at Central live on grounds, daughters of workers here, and walk home for meals. Garden at Central provides vegetables at cost, white leghorn eggs for sale, even daily newspaper (typed) on world affairs (summary of radio for past 24 hours) sent from house to house each morning. Lights, water, and all the ice one can use for $7.00 per month. Garden kept by Central.