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December 28-31, 1941

On 28 December, Tojo’s bombers visited the Rock for the first time. The raid lasted from 12 noon to 3 PM. There were 30 casualties on the Rock. The water, phones and power were knocked out. My tent was destroyed. (Note a small shell fragment in my diary and the resulting powder burn there.) Lt. Keen of the Marines and 25 men plus 4 air-cooled anti-aircraft guns were attached to (?). (this word in the manuscript was illegible) We moved our clothes from the quarters to the battery. On 31 December, an anti-aircraft battery of the 60th Coast Artillery was in position in my immediate vicinity. It was commanded by Capt. Robert Glassburn. He was a regular Army officer, as had been his father before him. On this night, we gathered in his tent and had a coke and bourbon. This was to be our last drink for a long time. I went to bed early and slept well.