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January 3, 1942

We were ordered by Lt. Villamor of the BN S-2 to locate a site for our camp. We found a nice shady place along the Lamao River. We immediately started to build papags (sleeping cots made of wood). A few yards from us was the Philippine Army Air Corps encampment. Today, I saw my first cousin (son of Papa’s brother, Tio Toñing) Lt. Antonio Misa of the Air Corps and some other friends. Antoñito very kindly gave me all the four canned goods that he had in reserve. Boy! Do the Air Corpsmen eat! That afternoon, I also met Antoñito’s brother, Buck Private Francisco Misa. He enlisted in the Philippine Constabulary.

Seeing two trucks of the Bureau of Prisons, I immediately searched for the drivers to get news from home. I wasn’t able to locate any of the drivers but I met Major Navarro, a close friend of the family. He told me to go to him in case I needed anything. I thanked him but said I needed nothing.