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Saturday, Feb. 25th, 1899

Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo District.

Busy getting over ground today, which always means (usually) new scenes and new experiences. As usual started the day with Bible reading & prayer cooked breakfast and washed dishes. After this Rev. C. Owens & myself started out. Took Calle Jolo street car. Saw Private Lloyd of E. company 1st Montana, driving a poney cart with a chest in the same. Motioned to me that he was taking his baggage to store in my house, yelled back as the car passed him “all right.”

At the post office I received more letters and papers.

Next called at the Imperial photo gallery to see if they had any new battle pictures. None. Next dropped in the California eating & drinking house. I stood treat for dinner. Paid $1.20 Mex. for 2 wretched meals. I patronized the house for the sake of a Syrian friend (one of the 17 Calle Gandara colony) who is clerking there.

Dinner over took street car over the Bridge of Spain to old Manila within the walls (Intramuros). Met a number of 20th U.S. Infantry men strolling about sight seeing. These troops served in the Cuban campaign. They arrived on the Scandia. Feel greatly relieved because they have come. We left the walled city by the Santa Lucia gate & walked down thro’ the hot sun to Malecon at the foot of the Luneta –Manila’s fashionable drive. Talked to some of the men & took a photo of their encampment.

Next walked out to Malate late 14th U.S. Infantry barracks, where I hired a carromata because I was tired of walking thro’ the hot sun. Paid 70 cts Mex. for the same –near 2 hour’s use. Called at the 2d Reserve hospital. Had a short talk with Bro. A. Temple of the same & visited a Christian, brother Herbert Foulkes, Co. C. 14th U.S. Infantry. Talked & prayed with him. Bro. Foulkes is in the surgical ward. Was wounded in the first battle with the Insurrectos thro’ the leg. Artery cut. His foot is black.

From the Second Reserve Hospital drove to the General or Brigade Hospital. Saw Private Clayton Scott of the North Dakotas. Left the hospital too soon & was sent back. Gave him $2. U.S. coin of the money he deposited with me. In the 2 hospitals & elsewhere, spoke (the writer) to individuals about salvation personally. The sentries at both hospitals allowed us to pass without showing passes.

Returned home in the carromata –Owens & I– paid the Filipino driver. Took supper with Rev. & Mrs. Owens.

The influenza has stopped up my head made my voice hoarse, but not otherwise caused any inconvenience.

So far as the the war is concerned everything seemed quiet today. Heard no firing. Rumor says insurrectos are massing troops in front of our lines evidently for a battle. —

My 16th weekly letter to Lt-Col. Alice Lewis, written last night I mailed today.

Drew at the post office $2. donated me by ex-Ensign Gilbert Findlay.

Rec’d several papers & monthlies –S.A. & secular.

Four letters arrived: (1) Lt-Col. Wm Evans of S.F. enclosing one from W.E. Duncan Jr. Att’y & Counsellor at Law, Oroville, Butte Co. California. This gentleman is doing legal business gratis for the S.A. trying to secure property bequeathed to it. Wants me to collect curios historical & otherwise for him. Send quite a formidable list. Evans suggests that I try to accomodate him. I dread this job. (3) Chas R. Fletcher, Auxiliary 3768. He read my article re the Philippines in the Xmas Canadian War Cry, which interested him much. Fletcher was introduced to me at 886 Washington St. Boston, Mass. when I was specializing in New England. Took dinner with him. Is a zealous Christian; a splendid man. Fletcher is a chemical engineer. Was formerly lecturer on metallurgy in Boston University & Mass. state assayer of ores & metals. Writes that he sent my article to a U.S. Senator at Washington D.C. (4) Is headed “The Volunteers of America,” from Grand Rapids, Mich., & is signed J.J. Keppel, who but a short time since was the Divisional Commander of the Pacific Coast Chief Division. He is now runing the Grand Rapids “Post” & in command of a “regiment” of 10 or 11 posts. Is serving under General Ballington Booth. Keppel’s letter is an answer to mine inquiring why he resigned from the Salvation Army. Keppel makes some exceedingly grave charges against the Booth family at large, including the present administration at New York Commander & Consul Booth-Tucker & their cabinet. I quote from the letter: “I left the S.A. because I could no longer endorse the actions of the owners of it. My experience at National Headquarters was such a revelation of the insincerity of the leaders of it, that my conscience forced me out, even when I tried by going out on the field again to overcome the difficulty. To make the story short I objected in a respectful manner to something they were introducing in this country (United States) x x I was not only carpeted for daring to have a mind of my own, but I was informed that my position was only possible & practicable so long as I enjoyed their confidence. (The italics are Keppel’s) Of course I knew as we all knew, that we were employees of the Booth family, from a human standpoint anyway, but when I found them resorting to deceit & intrigue, (lying and policy) to carry their plans, I could no longer as a conscientious man, represent them, & allow my dear officers to think I was a loyal officer when I was not; so I left. x x x x x The Booth family are going to be the ruin of the Salvation Army as sure as the devil tempts the souls of men and women to self seeking, exaltation & power, for they are doing it now, & American officers will not stay in the concern, for they are not wanted. Look at the Chief Divisional Officers of this country today; who are they? Every one of them are from the S.A. milling establishments in England, except Gifford. As you know Brewer is now off the field & is Editor in Chief, & since I am out Gifford is the last one.They have brought over two or three more Divisional Officers since you went away & they are shipping in a lot more field officers, making the U.S. pay London for their training as well as travelling.”

Keppel’s letter strikes the Booth family a severe blow, but he a short while since was assistant secretary for the United States. Other high officials think as Keppel does. When the Ballington Booth split was coming to a head, Brigadier Wm H. Cox, then Editor in Chief of all American S.A. publications, told me that the Booths & their chief aids would never promote any American to a high office who had not been to England. More than one important officer in the United States has said to me & to others that an anti-American policy was being pursued by Gen Booth & the Booth-Tucker’s since the advent of the latter in the U.S. Americans seem to be backseated. My confidence in the family has been very much shaken. The conviction has been gaining headway in my mind, to my sorrow of heart, since the time I edited the New York War Cry, that success has changed the Booth’s from the simplicity, Godliness, & self-sacrificing devotion of other days into self-seeking, lying, foxy intrigues. I do not want to think thus & have often hoped & do hope now that I am mistaken.

I would gladly change my opinion, but such is the settle conviction formed in my mind from personal contact with the following members of that remarkable family. (I regard Gen’l Wm Booth as the most remarkable man who has figured on the stage of time since the days of Paul.) Gen. Wm Booth,  Ballington & Mrs. Maud Booth, Commandant H.H. Booth,  Field Commissioner Eva Booth, and Commander & Consul F. De Latour Booth-Tucker.I am convinced that success has turned their heads. That the Salvation Army is regarded the property of the Booth family. That General Booth wants his family to remain perpetually a religio-royal family. That all the chief commands are to be divided among themselves, & for such officers as will support the ambitions of the family on that line. That the General wishes to appoint a member of his own family the next general, & have the succession of generals to run in that family perpetually.

The one cloud now rising above the horizon to threaten the General’s darling plans is the increasing strength of the S.A. in the United States. The S.A. threatens to become stronger in the U.S. than it is in England. With a majority of Americans in the organization, he fears that American ideas and an American policy will shape the course of the future Salvation Army. In such case the Booth family will lose its grip & the generals be elected from the army by the leaders of the army. This woulds kill imperialism, and with it depart the glory, power, prestige and money which are concomitants of the great organization. Lest Americans have too much power & thus become dangerous to the next general in case the present one dies, American officers of high rank (comparatively speaking) are quietly being relieved of power & put in such positions that they cannot imperil the prospect of Booth succession in case they feel so inclined. That is how the present situation and policy appears to my mind. I would gladly change my views & would like to discover that they (the Booths) have been misjudged. I want the S.A. to hold together, not to aggrandize the Booth’s, but to glorify God & by its marvelous machinery & high standard of practical Christianity, win the world to the Lord Jesus Christ thro’ the power of the Holy Ghost. If this is done, I do not care what the name of the General may be, whether Booth or something else.