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April 22, 1942


The morning rag certainly loved to startle and impress us.

Another one of my roommates was Jane, a civilian nurse who used to work with me at the Sternberg Army Hospital. Four months ago she nursed, swam, rode horseback, played tennis, and danced. Now she was exhausted after taking a few short steps to the bathroom. Her wan face had an unhealthy color, and now she was despondent — as she had no word of her fiancé in Bataan. As I sat on her bed and painted her nails a brilliant red, we talked about the good times we used to have on double dates.

A short time later Daphne joined us to give the highlights of another fireside chat of Roosevelt’s. In a portentously serious manner, she read, “The situation in the Far East is critical, and we should go back to Biblical days, like the Israelites who shouldered their picks, mounted their asses and camels, and set forth for the Promised Land. But you people in Santo Tomas should lay down your picks, sit on your asses, light a Camel, and wait for the Promised Land.”

Maybe it was an old chestnut, but how we loved these absurdities and laughed over them!