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Wednesday, March 8th, 1899

Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo Dist.

As usual after morning ablutions, read Scripture –chapter in Exodus– & communion with my precious Creator. To such thrice blessed souls as have had a revelation of God in His “new best name of Love” He is precious. Cooked breakfast washed dishes took dinner late with Rev. & Mrs. Owens & made supper of dry bread & lemonade.

Such is batching in Manila.

Remained at home all day; only went as far as the Cuartel Meisig to purchase a loaf of bread.

Wrote & copied 3 letters (1) Lt-Col Wm Evans, sending him 7¼ pages Ms. copy for S.F. War Cry –narrative of Philippine experiences. Subheads: “Fort Rice”, “A Mummy”, “Damasa Garcia” & “Wild Boys.” Sent him 7 Kodak views taken by myself, to illustrate the same.

Time seems to fly remarkably fast. Days go by & I wonder what has been accomplished. (2) Lt-Col. Alice Lewis, New York, 18th weekly letter. (3) Wm Eletson on Flagship “Olympia.” Encouraging him on spiritual lines, asking movements of the flagship’s launches with a view to trying again to hold a service aboard & also asked names of commanding officers of the vessels.

Private Clayton Scott came in this evening. Sent the letter to the post office, also a bundle of mixed War Crys for the “Olympia” & H.M.S. “Narcissus” –British. Prayed with Scott. Said his brother will probably be released from Bilibid prison today & tomorrow.

At the Utah bakery a Utah artilleryman said a big advance will be made tomorrow by American troops. Lying in trenches is growing monotonous to the men, when rain commences will be very disagreeable.

General Order No. 6 –issued by Major General Otis is quite an inconvenience to such as I who desire to conduct evening services. The second & last paragraph reads as follows:

“2. Until otherwise ordered the inhabitants of Manila will confine themselves to their homes after 7 in the evening & at that hour the streets will be cleared by the police. Very active demonstrations will be made against incendiaries or suspected incendiaries who are discovered in any locality of the city.

By command of Major General Otis.

Thomas H. Barry, Asst’g Adj. Gen’l.”

The war so far has not been destructive to American life seriously. The “Times” of 7th March reports: Total dead in field and hospital, 87; total wounded brought in, 247. Total dead & wounded brought in 334. Cases of exhaustion since returned to duty 22; wounded men returned to duty, 58. God has favored the American cause, praise His name.

President McKinley by proclamation restored property of Cortes family, No. 17 Calle Gandara where I first resided in Manila, was the city residence of Senor Maximo Cortes.